Month: February 2014

  • Poppytar noir

    So, I sold a story a while ago. Not quite as long ago as I wrote the story in question, mind — that was during the second semester of my Masters, which feels like a lifetime ago. Anyway, the sale went to Ian Whates at NewCon Press. Here’s as much as anyone other than Ian…

  • Surveillance and legibility: systems of seeing

    “Networks weird people.” Quinn Norton and Ella Saitta explain the yin-yang nature of network effects — and the complicity of hackers and “geek culture” in such — to the Chaos Communications Conference. This is of considerable interest to me, for two reasons. First of all, because legibility is a big part of what my…

  • Positivism will eat itself

    They’re mixing the Kool-Aid pretty strong in the Valley these days [via @moonandserpent]: Julien Cuny and Louis-Pierre Pharand, former producers and creative directors at Ubisoft on Assassin’s Creed and FarCry, have formed a new development studio named PIXYUL. Their goal: to map our planet at 1:1 scale using drones, and use the resulting 3D recreation…