
Back at the beginning of the summer, I went to Hoxton to meet a couple of friends for afternoon beers and a chinwag. On the way, I saw the Google Streetview car passing up and down the street; much as I suspected at the time, it has temporarily immortalised me, trapped me in a freeze-frame of congealed sunshine and the magical digital time-amber of the intermatubez.

I’m actually quite chuffed, though I couldn’t tell you why. Let’s put it down to shallowness and move on, eh?

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2 responses to “Alibi”

  1. Chip Camden avatar
  2. John Kinsella avatar
    John Kinsella

    I wondered how you were getting on. I’m working on another novel which I hope to finish next year. Its a bit risky. Sort of anti relgious stuff and very pro environmentalism.
    ‘Come ye the moon,
    Come ye the spring equinox,
    Come ye the tide in temptation,
    Come ye the corals sperm,
    Come into the oceans womb!
    Yes I’ve begun to wax lirical. The name of the novel is ‘The Third Host’. It should be published by the end of next year. Look out for it! A happy new year to you.

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