Category: Criticism
mutually assured distraction: a plea for generative disarmament
What if a re-run of the Cold War, but in addition to stockpiling nukes, we also stockpiled ideologically purified knowledges with a savagely short half-life, as if in some nightmare that even Philip K Dick might have shied away from making into a cautionary tale?
a black hole full of light
I admire his ability to refrain from I-told-you-so.
beyond the douchbaggery of dogs: attentional guideropes and negative worldbuilding in Flow
I will stop overthinking animated movies aimed at children when people stop making animated movies for children set in worlds with a crazy amount of implicit but unaddressed questions embedded in them.
it also is the thing it pokes fun at
This reads to me like one of the few reviews written by someone who actually saw the same movie as me.