Category: Worldbuilding
beyond the douchbaggery of dogs: attentional guideropes and negative worldbuilding in Flow
I will stop overthinking animated movies aimed at children when people stop making animated movies for children set in worlds with a crazy amount of implicit but unaddressed questions embedded in them.
I surrendered to the strangeness, and the strangeness started to make sense
Now, I’m not about to start listening to tapes again any time soon (though I did rescue a rather handsome wood-cheeked Akai tape deck from the miljörum a couple years back)… and there ain’t no one writing songs about my olive press, either.
pause for a moment to reflect on the enormous significance of this
A work of science fiction is never about the time in which it is supposedly set; it’s about the time in which it is written. Which means that the question we should be asking ourselves is why this particular myth […] is the one that’s bubbling through right now.