Category: Academic Publications

  • Paradoxical Containment: The Double Externalization of Packaging, and the Overextension of the Metasystemic Prosthesis

    “Paradoxical Containment: The Double Externalization of Packaging, and the Overextension of the Metasystemic Prosthesis” is a chapter in Containment: Holding, Filtering, Leaking (Angerer, Richardson, Schmedes & Sofoulis, eds.), out now in glorious full open access from the good people at Meson Press.

  • The Way Out Is Through: Co-produced Critical Utopia as an Antidote to Anthropocenic Academic Melancholia

    It is surely fitting that one of my last few academic publications should have a title so verbose that it’s almost autoparody. Talk about the slow grind of academic publishing, though. My records suggest I sent the abstract for what would eventually mutate into this chapter toward the end of summer in 2021… and I’m…

  • Futures Brought to Life, brought to life

    Futures Brought to Life, brought to life

    That post on worldbuilding I wrote a little while back was fairly well received, which was gratifying—it’s always nice when people like a thing you wrote, of course, but it’s nicer still when the point you felt you were trying to make has been taken in the spirit in which you felt you were making…

  • Smart cities: Policy without polity

    Another publication is getting close to popping out of the pipeline! 23rd November 2021 sees the formal release of the Routledge Handbook of Social Futures, in which yours truly has a chapter entitled “Smart cities: Policy without polity”. Regular readers here will likely be able to guess—and guess correctly!—that this piece does not at all…

  • het från pressen

    Taking what feels like a well-earned and much-needed day off today, after yesterday’s launch of the above narrative prototype / experimental futures vehicle (via the second medium of a slightly kludgy pseudo-Brechtean performance of an online talk-show from 2041). If anyone had been wondering why things have been quiet here lately, getting this thing finished…