velcro city tourist board
a blog by Paul Graham Raven
science fiction / social theory / climate futures / infrastructure / utopian narratology / sometimes cats
mutually assured distraction: a plea for generative disarmament
What if a re-run of the Cold War, but in addition to stockpiling nukes, we also stockpiled ideologically purified knowledges with a savagely short half-life, as if in some nightmare that even Philip K Dick might have shied away from making into a cautionary tale?
nothing was learned
It may be too much to hope that this is the last gasp for the “horror movie Cliff Notes” approach to history.
a black hole full of light
I admire his ability to refrain from I-told-you-so.
the Way is the way things are
This year’s big meta-project is, in a nutshell, to worry less about things.
Who is Paul Graham Raven?
“… who, with raving lips uttering things mirthless, unbedizened, and unperfumed, reaches over a thousand years with [his] voice, thanks to the god in [him].”