The long awaited tenth volume of Saga finally washed up on Swedish shores yesterday (and proved very much worth the wait).
And I couldn’t pass up a collection of stories by the Magus of Northampton, though I am somewhat trepiditious: I acquired Jerusalem ages ago, but never managed to get more than a quarter through the first of the three books. This is because, as Moore has mentioned in interviews, he wrote Jerusalem very much in the mode of a comics writer working without the graphics, meaning that even the slightest bit of character activity is surrounded by hyperdetailed description of setting; rather exhausting to read, though I do mean to try again. I’m hoping the short form may have curbed this tendency somewhat; guess we’ll see.
(I will also note in passing that not only has Illuminations been used as a title many times before, perhaps most notably for a collection of Benjamin essays, but it was also the title of the Friday Flash Fiction anthology that I edited and contributed to way-back-when, in the innocent glory days of this here blog. Being a generous sort, I’ve instructed my lawyers not to give Moore any trouble; he seems a nice lad, let him have a run at it, eh?)
Busy week, busy month: lots of hurry-up-and-wait, but also lots of hurry-up served straight. Hacking away, staying afloat, eyes on the horizon, trying not to trip… and so it goes.
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