Category: Climate Change
mutually assured distraction: a plea for generative disarmament
What if a re-run of the Cold War, but in addition to stockpiling nukes, we also stockpiled ideologically purified knowledges with a savagely short half-life, as if in some nightmare that even Philip K Dick might have shied away from making into a cautionary tale?
you can read between the lines at every hyperscaler, there’s appetite
Let him that hath understanding count the number of Mr Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
reach random people in a different way
It’s not that the Nineties are back, so much as that there are sufficient echoes thereof to cause one to hope for the enantiodromic inversion that they might be assumed to portend.
begin to remake who we are and how we live
On the one hand, [Buckminster] Fuller’s philosophy of change seems too hopeful now; it’s fair to wonder whether we have time for it.
who are you trying to impress? McDonald’s Hopeland and skiffy diasporae
It’s yer man ADH, who else? “Space is dead”, sez he: The moon landing happened because capitalism and American empire actually had a rival. These forces had to prove they could outrace, outplan, and outspend communism and Soviet empire. It was probably the biggest PR campaign of all time, if you don’t count our bloated…