Category: Art

  • begin to remake who we are and how we live

    On the one hand, [Buckminster] Fuller’s philosophy of change seems too hopeful now; it’s fair to wonder whether we have time for it.

  • merciful release: navel-gaze blogday blahblahblah

    merciful release: navel-gaze blogday blahblahblah

    Happy blogday to me! I have owned and written stuff on this domain since 14th March 2006. Eighteen years! It seems quite astonishing to me, that stretch of time. This will come as not surprise to regular readers, of course, who will be accustomed to me writing “it feels like an eternity, and yet like…

  • the parts of the shadows that didn’t exactly reflect the numbers became problems

    Many people loved the installment of Dorothy Gambrell’s Cat & Girl webcomic in which Gambrell confronted her feelings about being one of a few thousand early webcomics people listed as having had their work used as training material for generative models. I loved it too. I haven’t been following C&G since the start, but for…

  • beware and abjure, now and always, ideologies constructed around settlement

    Quoting “for truth”, as we used to say—or, perhaps more truthfully, quoting for the almost adrenal relief of reading someone else say something you’ve been thinking/feeling for ages. Jake Casella Brookins takes an end-of-year turn on the mic at Ancillary Review, and it’s quite the blazer: Amidst much larger (and fatuous) claims about the moral…

  • mixing McLuhan and Marx (Butlerian coda)

    Sometimes you write a thing in a fit of emotional response, and then the universe sidles up, says “oh, that pushed your buttons, did it?” and offers you another hit, and you demonstrate your own weakness to yourself once again, returning like a dog to its own vomit, because it’s just too damned perfect an…