Sinister literature

Book-porn posts: totally acceptable when you paid for ’em yourself. The below represents the results of a spending spree at Verso Books; they were doing a 50%-off-everything sale, and I had a sale of my own to celebrate, so…

Sinister literature haul from Verso Books

Lovely; all I need now’s the time to read ’em. Particularly looking forward to Jameson’s Archaeologies of the Future, which I’ve seen cited more times than I can count, and which I’m hoping will fill a few of the theoretical potholes in my PhD work… which I should get back to, right now.



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2 responses to “Sinister literature”

  1. Jesse avatar

    Your picture’s been replaced with a bandwidth note. Please feel free to delete this.

  2. Dan Hill avatar

    ‘City of Quartz’ is a stone-cold classic.

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