the real content of all online politics is the internet itself

Telegram Sam: he’s my main man.

Whether it calls itself the Right or the Left, the real content of all online politics is the internet itself, and the arc of online politics always bends towards a bunch of strangers who spend their entire lives on the computer demanding that you publicly denounce your friends.

Bonus burn:

Like amoebae, left-wing groups reproduce by splitting. Like amoebae, they’re also mostly asexual.

Pushed out a sort of preliminary essay about theories of change at Worldbuilding Agency yesterday. It didn’t go quite where I expected it to—though not in a bad way?

Nonetheless, it was written a little hurriedly, because I wanted to maintain the schedule in a week when a whole lot of other stuff all seems to be happening at once. The irony here being that I have said (to myself, as much as to the imagined audience of the internet) that I don’t want to get trapped in the content-mill approach to this stuff… but at the same time, I know from hard-won experience that schedules and deadlines are what mark the difference between me doing anything and me doing nothing. I want to write, so I’m gonna have to have a schedule for that.

Well, selah—though it seems to mean that I run the risk of friends like Tobias accusing me of content.

Either which way, I guess I’d better reconcile myself to sometimes having reason to skip a week… and next week may be one such week, because The Conference is in town, and I figure I’d better make the best of it, speaking gig and big dinners and all.

Pray for my introvert soul, won’t you?



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