Reading that title back, I wonder whether it might be perceived as a threat or as a blessing, or as some admixture of the two.
Either which way, it’s a statement of fact: at the end of the year, I’ll be yanking Jetpack out of this blog’s machinery, much as one yanks from a jaw a tooth which one strongly suspects to be rotting at the root.
(I have my reasons, but I don’t see much point in rehearsing them here. My house, my rules, my decisions.)
No Jetpack means no newsletter-esque functionality—so if you are currently getting VCTB as emails and want to continue reading, you’re gonna need to avail yourself of the RSS feed, which will remain unrestricted and uncommercialised in perpetuity.
If you can’t (or won’t) use RSS, and you still want writings by me to appear in your email inbox, may I recommend signing up for Worldbuilding Agency, the online journal of my futures practice?
If none of those options appeal, I’d like to say thanks for your having followed along, and wish you all the best.
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