Category: Accessions

  • 08APR24 / accessions

    08APR24 / accessions

    Nice that the seasons have shifted sufficiently that there’s now natural light by which to photograph newly accessioned items, eh? Pilates for Men: presumably self-explanatory, especially if one is reminded that the institution’s head is a man in his late 40s who recently quit nicotine, and who does not want to buy a whole new…

  • 18MAR24 / accessions

    18MAR24 / accessions

    North’s House of Odysseus: the institution has been stanning Claire North ever since Notes from the Burning Age—“the best solarpunk novel which has never been slapped with that label”, if you want the capsule plug—but also loved Ithaca, the predecessor to this new novel. Retelling the ancient epics in new voices and/or from the point…

  • 09FEB24 / accessions

    09FEB24 / accessions

    The accessions department notes with some discontent that the following were ordered a full calendar month previously. Such are the hazards of buying titles from outside of the current top fifty English-language non-fiction bestsellers list in Sweden: it is presumed that such must be obtained from suppliers overseas before the local supplier (Adlibris) can fulfill…

  • 05FEB24 / accessions

    05FEB24 / accessions

    The department notes, without judgement, that the institution is reviving old habits with regard to acquiring texts more quickly than it reads them. Zindell’s The Remembrancer’s Tale: the Requiem for Homo Sapiens sequence had a profound and formative effect on the institution, despite its being discovered almost a decade after its initial publication. (Indeed, with…

  • 23JAN24 / accessions

    23JAN24 / accessions

    Caro’s The Power Broker: a book notorious for being referred to far more often than read, and you’ll have an inkling as to why once you see a copy in the wild, given it’s about the same size and weight as a breezeblock. The institution was persuaded to take the plunge by a friend and…