Category: Accessions

  • 09FEB24 / accessions

    09FEB24 / accessions

    The accessions department notes with some discontent that the following were ordered a full calendar month previously. Such are the hazards of buying titles from outside of the current top fifty English-language non-fiction bestsellers list in Sweden: it is presumed that such must be obtained from suppliers overseas before the local supplier (Adlibris) can fulfill…

  • 05FEB24 / accessions

    05FEB24 / accessions

    The department notes, without judgement, that the institution is reviving old habits with regard to acquiring texts more quickly than it reads them. Zindell’s The Remembrancer’s Tale: the Requiem for Homo Sapiens sequence had a profound and formative effect on the institution, despite its being discovered almost a decade after its initial publication. (Indeed, with…

  • 23JAN24 / accessions

    23JAN24 / accessions

    Caro’s The Power Broker: a book notorious for being referred to far more often than read, and you’ll have an inkling as to why once you see a copy in the wild, given it’s about the same size and weight as a breezeblock. The institution was persuaded to take the plunge by a friend and…

  • 15JAN24 / accessions

    15JAN24 / accessions

    The institution is on the rails today*, leaving the department to man the front desk, and having taken at least one of these new arrivals with them: * — The institution is, at time of this posting, en route by rail to a village just outside Wiemar, where they will be spending much of the…

  • 09JAN23 / accessions

    Moore & O’Neill’s League omnibus: somehow the institution never got around to acquiring this one, nor even reading it? It was mentioned at Eruditorium Press a few weeks back, it was there on the shelf, and the department did what the department does. Tchaikovsky’s Children of Time: because all sorts of people—including the sort of…