Safely home from the Frozen Thawing North, and back at my desk, because the deadlines ain’t waiting.
But good things are afoot: I picked up my advance copies of the latest Media Evolution collaborative foresight book yesterday. Look at that lush mustard-yellow cover!

(The “special edition” sticker isn’t actually a sticker—though it looks so much like one that apparently I was not the first to try peeling it off in order to stick it on something else. Spooky visual interaction of the colours, I guess?)
Three stories from me this time, based on three scenarios produced by a gloriously eccentric batch of participants in four full days of collaborative foresight exploration of “the futures of sound and song”.
There will be a downloadable version, of course, just as there was with the previous cycle—but you’ll have to wait until after the formal launch, which is 9am this Friday (26th April, 2024) in uptown dockside Malmö. I believe spaces are still available, so sign up and come along? I’m not reading this time, I regret to report, but I will be there to hang out, sign books and drink coffee!
Don’t forget that I’m talking in Copenhagen on Thursday 25th, too; a few seats are still available for that event, but apparently we’re getting close to capacity, so get in there quick.
(As it happens, I’m also on the Danish side of the sound this afternoon, because the mighty Laura Watts will be talking at CApE, and that’s not a gig to be missed. If you think my work is interesting, then you’ll just love Laura’s stuff, I guarantee it!)
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