The first day of April is traditionally a day to totally avoid the internet, at least in this household, so it feels weird to be writing something on my own blog on that date. But the only fool here is me—and that’s always been the case, I suppose, but particularly so at the moment.
In the name of ripping off the Band-Aid as quickly as possible, then: L____ left me last weekend. It’s fairly un-acrimonious, as such things go? It’s also gutting. The past not-quite-three years have been, on that front at least, my three finest and happiest. I had hoped there would be many more years to come, but it seems not. Selah.
Meanwhile, life goes on. Quite astonishing to note that we’re a quarter of the way through the year already; spring is a-springing, and we’re finally into the high side of the solar cycle. The business is keeping me busy, and that’s very much preferable to the alternative.
(That said, capacity is still available from the second half of May, so if you’ve been thinking of hitting me up for work-related reasons, by all means go ahead.)
I’ve got a few announcements to come in the days ahead: speaking gigs, a publication, other bits and bobs. I want to experiment with shorter and more frequent missives here. I want to experiment with a lot of things, to be honest—and I was feeling that way before the breach mentioned above.
We’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile, Malmö is wreathed in fog, and the silverfish are migrating out of wherever the hell it is they hide themselves during the winter.
Warmth and light are coming. I’m turning my face to meet them, like a sunflower.
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